I came across this website yearbook.com where you can insert a photo off yourself and how you may have looked in the past and the future. Eric is totally going to flip when he sees this.
Eric and I meet on a blind date over twelve years ago and we just celebrated our 12 anniversary with a trip down to disneyland just the two of us it was a blast! I am looking forward to the next twelve. Eric and I started out our life together in ogden and spent one year there, then we moved out to roy for three years we spent 6 years at our home in syracuse and sold it a year ago with the intentions of moving closer to Erics work in Draper, and made it half way to Bountiful which we have loved! However we are on the hunt once again for a home and the crazy thing in that we might be headed back to syracuse, it just feels like home. We have three boys Caden ten, Quinner 8, Landon 5, and our little ball of fire Lacey who will be three in September. We love to do anything and everything with our kids, which includes trips to lagoon, zoo, childrens museam, parks, and Disneyland. Basically anything that intells us in being together as a family.